Special Education Series- #1 Where to begin?

During our Special Education Series, Susan and Samantha speak with a variety of professionals that can help you in autism journey as you navigate the multiple education options for your child; homeschooling, public education or private education.

This episode, we are speaking with Nicole Hicks, Regional Program Specialist from INSOURCE Indiana's Parent Training and Information Center. We discuss where and how to start in the special education system in a public school setting and how to get your child the supports they need to be successful. Be watching for future episodes with INSOURCE as we discuss multiple topics within Article 7- Indiana’s Special Education Law.

INSOURCE is a free resource for Indiana residents. They provide parents, families, individuals & service providers in the state of Indiana the information & training necessary to help assure effective educational programs & appropriate services for individuals with disabilities.

You can contact INSOURCE at 1-800-332-4433, or email Insource@insource.org or visit their website https://insource.org/


Fun in the Sun #3- Science Central


Fun in the Sun #2 Fort Wayne Children’s Zoo