Fun in the Sun #4 All Abilities Aquatics

The Fun in the Sun series is about connecting individuals and families affected by autism with area fun spots and year-round adaptive supports, services and summer activities that are available. This episode we speak with Dr. Katherine Crowell, OTD, OTR-Founder/Owner of All Abilities Aquatics, LLC.

Dr. Crowell is a Fort Wayne native and started swimming competitively at age 10 and was a state ranked swimmer. As a swim instructor/coach for 7 years, she has worked with kids of all abilities and ages to develop the skills to go from beginning level swimmers to swim team ready.

During her time teaching/coaching, She discovered that there is no structured educational curriculum for swim instructors to become adaptive swim instructors. Regular aquatic training does not cover the needed skills for working with individuals with disabilities. In this episode, she discusses how impactful swimming can be for those on the autism spectrum.

Through her passion for swimming, educational background and her years of experience teaching individuals with all kinds of disabilities different skills, she has developed the products and services of All Abilities Aquatics. All Abilities Aquatics offers curriculum, trainings, and consulting services for aquatic programs seeking to develop programming for individuals with disabilities. You can find more information at or email her at

Samantha and I hope you are enjoying the My Autism Ally podcast. We are taking a little summer break and will be back in late August with our next episode!


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